My bad updates have been depended on two things. School, school is actually the main thing, but school - homework, and then school. I've to be honest. This year, or these 2 years in high school have been rough. It was good from the beginning, but I do regret changing my class completely. But even though from the beginning I felt lonely. Stressed out and lonely. I know it's normal to feel a bit lonely and off, but it is definitely not normal to feel it this often. At times I feel glad, and the next second I feel like crap and I just don't want to live, kind of.
I'm pretty shy, around certain people. I don't know why, but I have become more shy now than before, especially in my new class. I feel like such a misfit. Every day feels like a challenge. Honestly there are so many days I just feel invisible, it's so hard. I hate this feeling, even though I'm around people I feel invisible, even though I'm around my friends I feel lonely. If it wasn't for my friends I really don't where I'd be now, if I'd even be here. Now, I don't want this to be this depressing post. But I thought I should be honest. I know I'm not alone about feeling alone and invisible, we shouldn't keep all these feelings inside of us. It's important to address and take up these issues also.