Oh fruits basket, lovely memories. |
Sunday, November 11, 2012
I'm turning 18 next year, I'm not only getting older, I feel like when I'm 18 I will be a bit to old for convetions, so now, this/next year I'll hit big, go to as many conventions as possible. While writing this post I found out that they're going to keep a convention in February that I just have to go on (NärCon Vinter)! I know there's no age limit when it comes to conventions, but that's just how I feel.
fruits basket
5 kommentarer :
- Keki said...
Heyy ♥ I see what you mean but at least you've already been to some conventions. I only went to one so far and see how old I am hahah ~ (19)
I still want to go some time ♪
The picture is cute♥ -
November 13, 2012 at 11:57 PM
- Made By Monrou said...
Synd att du missar ConFusion i dec då! ;O
SV: Ja men så kan vi ju också göra om du vill det? :) -
November 14, 2012 at 9:49 AM
- Made By Monrou said...
SV: Awh hur gör vi för att följa dig då? ;O
November 15, 2012 at 9:56 AM
- Made By Monrou said...
SV: Ja, så nu följer vi dig, tack för tipset ^^
November 15, 2012 at 12:11 PM
- Inspire me, darlin said...
Trams, man är aldrig för gammal för det man tycker om! Jag är alldeles snart 25 och jag ska inte bara gå på utan konferenicera på ConFusion nu!! :)
Sv: Jaaa, men vardagslyxen är viktigt :) -
November 17, 2012 at 9:16 PM
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